The Lupus Lupie!
So what is “lupe?” According to the American Standard Dictionary, it means “a female given name.” On the other hand, most Lupus patients call other Lupus patients fellow “lupies,” a nickname for someone diagnosed with Lupus (SLE). Cute. I absolutely love the information age. Although I refuse, at times, to look up a lot of things about my wonderful autoimmune disease — LUPUS.
I was looking for some inspiration this morning and decided to take a look at YouTube. Well as it should have it you find almost anything, right? My inspiration for the morning came from an extraordinary young lady’s post about her living with Lupus. Or shall I say, as I always do, about Lupus living with her!
I am so proud of the many people who choose to NOT let Lupus or any other debilitating illness rule their life. Don’t live with Lupus, let Lupus live with you! You pay the bills, not Lupus!